Unlocking The Power of Growth: Futurewhiz’s Inspiring Study day!


Hey there fellow learners and ed-tech enthusiasts, we’re thrilled to share with you the epic tale of our offsite study day. Our mission is to enrich and empower our future generations experience of learning and education. Whilst doing this, we’re striving to ensure that we’re investing in, and enhancing our employees career growth and development; After all, the journey along the path of learning never stops!

So, grab the popcorn and take a seat, as we share the highlights of this unforgettable day!

Our CEO Serge took centre stage to kickstart the day with a candid and captivating interview with our one and only Lisa. Lisa’s questions allowed Serge to think deeply, and share some personal and professional insights into his career journey which inspired us all! The first part of the morning was packed with inspiration and some self reflection, and not forgetting a few more light hearted questions from our online interview panel made up of colleagues children. The tone for the day was well and truly set and we couldn’t wait for the rest to unravell.

Bart Flos. A renowned motivational speaker and author was next to ignite the spark within us, taking us on an exhilarating journey through the world of organisational change, and teaching us how to embrace it. His animated gestures, and hilarious jokes had us rolling with laughter; The buzz of his enthusiasm left us feeling energised and ready to conquer new horizons and seize change!

Next up, it was time for us to channel our inner Picasso and get artsy, the mission? We were challenged to create mood boards to capture our skills, personality traits, interests and values. Using magazine cut outs, and armed with glue sticks, glittery pens and endless creativity we collectively found clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. This opportunity to self reflect guided us greatly, and brought us closer to understanding our career aspirations.

Then came the moment for us to visualise our career paths. We drew detailed roadmaps, mapping out our career paths from the very beginning to where we currently are. We focused on the skills and critical experiences we can utilise, build on and acquire to reach our dream roles. Not only did this exercise provide a tangible visualisation of our goals, it also equipped us with a clear roadmap and mindset for future career success and development.

Of course, no study day would be complete without a delicious lunch to refuel and connect with colleagues. Engaging in meaningful conversations over a tasty meal with the Futurewhiz family reiterated the sense of community and camaraderie amongst us all. By the end of the day, the atmosphere was buzzing with positivity and innovation, and the relaxed environment meant that we could share a drink together, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit that defines Futurewhiz.

This unforgettable experience served to remind us all that we each have incredible potential, coupled with amazing support and guidance from Futurewhiz to exceed our career goals, whatever those may be. Stay tuned for our next adventure because at Futurewhiz the (learning) journey never ends!