Our Epic Beach Volleyball Tournament!


Yesterday, we served up a thrilling Beach Volleyball Tournament and it’s safe to say we know how to raise the bar (and net) when it comes to summer activities! So, grab that sunscreen and dig your toes in the sand as we take you through the tales of the tournament, from the outfit extravaganza, to the pizza filled aftermath!

Lisa and Alieke, from our fabulous culture crew are the masterminds behind this amazing event, and rallied us all up for an evening of sand, sun and of course spectacular outfits. From fairies, Barbie & Ken Duos, The Glitter Bomb Squad, to the human pizza, you name it we certainly caught a vibe with our outfit efforts.

Time for the real competition. With the teams assembled the volleyball action kicked into high gear. Perhaps The Aloha Squad needed a bit more practise before making it to the olympics, but it was their enthusiasm and unwavering determination that won the hearts of everyone present.

When the dust settled, two victory hungry teams emerged from the volleyball battlefield and so began the showdown between team Volley-Dolls and Fairy Nice. The atmosphere was electric with victory in sight for both teams. Tamiya was a constant beacon of support for her team, a cheerleader going above and beyond to try to rally her team to win!

In the end, following a remarkable display of volleyball technique, and teamwork it was team Volley-Dolls who took the victory and became champions of this years summer activity. They wore their medals and wigs with pride!

With everyone in need a refuel, we headed to the park to relish in the fun of the evening over a delicious pizza feast. The laughter continued, with tales of epic serves, improbable saves and of course, a few sandy mishaps.

No tournament would be complete without referees, supporter and Head of Games so to everyone who participated on or off of the sand, your spirit and dedication is greatly appreciated! The Futurewhiz Volleyball tournament reminded us that there is great power in team spirit, and embracing being out of our comfort zone, and in doing so, we are continuing to strengthen the bond between our team mates.

Futurewhiz’s volleyball tournament was more than just the sporting competition, it was a testament to our spirit of coming together as a team of colleagues. So, until our next amazing adventure, we’ll keep the playful spirit alive and never be afraid to dive into new experiences, whether that’s in the world of education or on the shores of fun!

Stay curious, stay cool and keep the vibe rocking those fabulous costumes!