The Futurewhiz King’s Day Flea Market

Sol May Olivares

As you probably know, the country was in orange at the end of April ๐Ÿ‘‘ ! At Futurewhiz, we also celebrated the orange spirit by having our very own King’s Day market. We decided to celebrate King’s Day in style, transforming our kitchen into a flea market filled with treasures, treats, and tons of fun! Come and read how the day went by ๐Ÿ‘€.

During King’s Day, streets in the Netherlands become a giant marketplace and a hotspot for parties. Similarly, our kitchen area was filled with food, goods and happy faces. We had a flea market where colleagues could showcase their goodies that deserve a second life. Best of all, we also had some colleagues show their talents (or rather, lack thereof…). For example, we have two very brave colleagues that tried to play violin and the flute. The performance might not have been too pleasant to the ears, but hey, it got everyone laughing and having a good time, which is what King’s Day is all about!

We also had traditional Dutch King’s Day games such as ‘blikgooien’ (throwing balls at a pile of cans), a ‘grabbelton’ (a box filled with gifts) and ‘beschuitfluiten’ (whistling with biscuits). Combined with orange snacks and drinks, we really had a great time celebrating at the office. And of course at the end, we had our monthly Futurewhiz drinks. It was a day to remember ๐Ÿงก.